Monday, January 23, 2012

A Damascus Expierence

We all could learn from Paul's Damascus experience. Paul is one of Jesus' greatest disciples although he was once one of Jesus' greatest persecutors. Paul was well taught in the law and the prophets as a matter of fact he was apart of one of the most prestigious religious sects of that time, the Pharisees.And with all "religious" sects there is a no love in it just high minded arrogance. Those that believe they can't learn anything from someone unless they have a title or prefix before their name. Or the ones that think when they follow the law to the letter their perfect and not a sinner like the rest of us. This one tops it all the ones that think they are God. Paul on that road meet Jesus for himself and received the greatest lesson of all the lesson of God's grace. Paul after receiving God's grace took off running the race set before him.Forgetting those things in which religion gave him. He gave them what Jesus had given him and shared it liberally. Paul was denouncing everything he had learned from his childhood and people thought he was crazy just like they thought Jesus was crazy. But when you have a Damascus experience people will thing you have lost your mind because you won't talk like them or walk in the same manner that you did before coming up on that road. When you were blinded by religion and it's traditions and forgotten the very grace that God gave you on that road. When once you were a respecter of persons the true love of Christ springs back up and you begin to care for souls again. Not just worried about your walk but the walk of the people you love. For we are all one body and if one part be broken or sick or wounded the whole body is affected. Paul understood that after receiving his sight back. And never lost his sight again he appreciated the gifts God had given him the gifts of grace,forgiveness and vision. He shared to his death those precious gifts with millions including us. Let us as these days continue be ever reminded of the cloud of witnesses that have come before us namely Jesus Christ. And let us like Paul follow that example. God bless you!

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