Thursday, January 26, 2012

Major Or Minor Prophet?

What person came up with this? Some man that wanted to sound smart? For nowhere in the Bible does God classify His Prophets. I hear people say this He"s a major prophet and He's a minor prophet. Where does this come from? We really need to be careful about saying things that aren't in the word of God. Just because some man tells you that and it sounds good doesn't make it sound. God tells us to study to show thyself approved a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.Before the book of Joel God spend quality time teaching His children giving them instruction, warnings, showing them signs and wonders. With any parent the first years of life are vital that's when the child is at it's most impressionable.So we take numerous of time and energy to embed in them the things they need to make it through life. That isn't considered major parenting it's parenting period. By the time Joel and the prophets following begin speaking the children of God had decided they were gonna have it there way. And with any good parent you don't spend as much time on instruction as you do warning of the dangers to come. Parents don't harp on these warnings they give them and allow their child to decide which way they will go. Is that minor parenting? Not at all for by this time the children should really have no need of long talks and things of that nature they should trust their parent enough to know that what their saying is right and in their best interest. Jesus says it best if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more does your Father know how to give good gifts to you.See we have to get to know our Father. He is much more that giving us material things and the desires of our hearts. He is our Father our parent the one that gave birth to us.There is nothing major or minor about Him or who He uses. We parents seeking to be a good parent need to be taught by the ultimate parent. Seek out the way God does things with us His children.Putting labels on Gods chosen is a great injustice they were all used by God to prophesy His word. They were all His mouth piece they all fulfilled the purpose the Father sent them to do. And when God sends you to do something, don't allow man to stick a label on you to determine how important or not important your call is.Paul says it this way we are one body and all the members are important. Jesus says it this way He that is the greatest amongst you let him become your servant. ALL the prophets were servants and all were GREAT!

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