Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Adam and Eve

So many times we focus our attention on what happened in the garden of Eden and who's to blame, That can be disputed about in many different views but the reality is it happened and because it happened we are in this current condition. Adam was made by God to rule over the earth, yes this great big earth. Eve was created by God through Adam to be his help meet, one to come along side to strengthen him,encourage him, you know have his back. With anything that GOD does the enemy tries to destroy. So he deceived the woman to go against her creator. Let me pause right there.Most times when we women are caught doing something we have no business we wanna take man down with us. We learned this before we ever made it here from Eve. I believe had Eve after being deceived went to our Father and asked for forgiveness she could have been restored to her original condition. But instead she allowed devious devises to use her to cause her own ADAM the man God had taken her from his very womb to sin too. The enemy hasn't changed his devises he uses the same old tricks. The bible speaks so much to men about the ways of a woman. We women can be vindictive and manipulative and can very easily cause a man (ADAM) to fall. You can tell a tree by the fruit that it bares. Now let us look further into this fall. Now the command was given to Adam which is the ruler of the world. Like most men in the world they get fixated on the work set before them that they don't take the time to nurture the home. The enemy takes control when the man isn't in his rightful position. This by no means takes us women off the hook for through the fall the lesson to be learned is to be in the place with GOD for yourself. See even if Adam hadn't followed Eve she still would have had a consequence to pay and I believe she knew that and she wanted someone to pay it with her. In all actuality Adam was doing what GOD told HIM to do had Eve been in her rightful position which is to be an encourager of Adam an aide to strengthen him you know had his back she wouldn't have been deceived. I say all this to say the fall is for our learning if we are willing as women to take a good look at ourselves. And when we see the very hint of the enemy trying to use us to cause our Adam to fall to go swiftly to the throne of grace on their behalf. If we are here to truly please GOD then we will keep our ADAM"S back!