Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Divination is real!

So many times we want to skate over the topics of divination, sorcery, and demons. But I came to tell you today if it were not so even today GOD would have never warned against it. Remember all scripture is for our learning and there is nothing new under the sun what is has already been. Now you have many folks walking around saying GOD said this and GOD said that but what god are they speaking of? In Ezekiel 13 God told him to speak to those lying wonders and tell them their time is up. You are going to my people saying I say peace for Jerusalem and there is no peace. See the elders were going to these diviners because GOD had stopped speaking to them because of the wickedness in their hearts. They had set up idols in their hearts instead of allowing GOD to be their GOD. So they went to these people in the imagination of their hearts and listened to what they said because their spirits were the same idolizing spirits.The true prophets they would not hear because it went against the imagination of their hearts. Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah where the ones that were hearing from GOD and they wouldn't listen to them because their spirits didn't agree. How can two walk together unless they agree? I don't want to make light of such a dark issue. Bottom line divination is real and it still exist. GOD tells us to test the spirit by the spirit to see if it's of HIM. What is GOD like? He will give you conformation through HIS word and others to let you know it's HIM that's speaking. He sent the three prophets I spoke of delivering the same message letting the people know it's me speaking those that had ears heard what the spirit of GOD said why? Because the spirit of GOD dwelled in them. Watch a tree and the fruit it produces from it and you will know a tree by the fruit it bears.Watch this the enemy knows a few things to have you believe that they are like minded and walking with you. Remember when JESUS walked the earth the first time the evil spirits knew HIM and called HIM out. But JESUS rebuked them and called them out. We don't have to fear these things for GOD has given us dominion (rule) over the things on earth. These spirits have to submit to the will of GOD period. I write this to bring us to rememberance that this war is not one of the flesh but of the spirit and GOD wants us to be aware of these things. Watch fight and pray is what GOD desires. Watch what? Fight what? Pray for what? God said the HOLY GHOST will lead and guide us in all truth. He will show us what to watch for fight for and pray for. We have HIM let us begin to depend on HIM for truly that is how our battle is won.

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