Monday, January 30, 2012

Positioning and not Position!

Today I am going to use women GOD used in the Bible.So many times when women are spoken of in the Bible we tend to use those that are not of great esteem. And shed little to any light on those that GOD used to save nations or win great battles. The the three I will use today are Deborah , Jael, and Queen Esther. In the book of Judges Deborah was a prophetess GOD used to be a judge over HIS people. Deborah told Barak it was time to go to and take Tabor because GOD had commanded it. Barak asked her to go with him but she warned him if I go a woman will surely take the victory but he insisted and said if you go then I will go.They go into battle and just as Deborah prophesied a woman won the battle Jael killed the king. Now after the victory Deborah and Barak both sang to God for Him giving them the victory. Barak wasn't jealous over the fact the Jael killed the wicked king he rejoiced in the work of GOD. That is something for our men to look at today. Barak heard what Deborah said loud and clear yet he wasn't concerned about how the battle would be won so long as it is won. Rather people want to admit it or not their are still optimistic people concerning a woman being used in the full magnitude as a man is. I ain't talking about pastoring I'm speaking on being chosen to do a great work. Deborah wasn't concerned with her position nor was Barak. They trusted GOD and HIS positioning. On first look at this chapter one would assume that Barak didn't follow the direction of God. But considering the fact that GOD knows EVERYTHING how could that be? GODS positioning is far greater than ones position.Let's take a look at Queen Esther. Queen Esther in all her years I'm sure never expected to be a Queen let alone one that GOD would use to save HIS chosen people. But she became just that and with great humility. GOD had positioned her into her position. The story behind her receiving the position is quite rare but never the less GOD was in control. GOD positioned Esther in a place that HE would use to stop the wicked plans of Haman. Haman hated the Jews and especially Mordecai. Haman was second in command to the king and Mordecai wouldn't bow down to him. Mordecai knew to bow down to man would take GOD from the place of power and esteem or put man in HIS place.Haman in his malicious devices was so angry that not only did he want to see Mordecai removed but all the Jews had to go.Well just like all wicked hearts they will be exposed and judgement will be given. Mordecai told Esther about the plot to destroy her people. She with hesitation went before the king knowing that her very life was at stake. GOD positioned her and she did that in which GOD called her to do. She didn't allow that position to go to her head nor did she allow arrogance to slip in. She didn't just think about what she could gain as a matter of fact she was safe and had the kingdom at her disposal. She headed to wise counsel and did what was needed of her.She considered the children men and women that lived outside the kingdom and understood that GOD had positioned her there for such a time as that. The position doesn't make you who you are. Positioning puts or arranges someone or something in a particular place or way. And ONLY GOD CAN DO THAT!

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