Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Religion will give you the illusion that you are whole and have no need of the great physician JESUS! As long as there is breath in these mortal bodies we will always need JESUS. Considering the fact that there's nothing new under the sun this ain't a shocking event happening. When religion puts your mind in a place of arrival and you look down on the rest of us sinners then you are in a horrible place. The Pharisees in the book of Matthew chapter 9:10-13 saw JESUS and the disciples eating with publicans and sinners. And they were offended by this. Isn't that sad? How can someone that has been graced with the word of GOD be arrogant enough to believe that they are better than someone else. I'll tell you how because the word was in their head and not their heart.They had head knowledge but there hearts was as hard as rock. They had what Paul calls the appearance of godliness but denying the power thereof. Jeremiah says it this way they worship me with their mouths but their hearts are far from me. JESUS warns of such a condition He said beware of the leaven of the Pharisees do what they say but don't do as they do.If their religious mind set had made them whole how is it that JESUS said to beware? HE knows what's in the heart of man. Every person running around saying that they love GOD and sees one in need of anything and looks down on them is lying. It's not always about imparting material things on another but giving them what has been freely given to you love, compassion, grace and mercy. Knowing that although you've been in church all your life you have been given the word to bless others as the word blesses you.The Pharisees had the word and keep it or when they did give it away it was given with the wrong motive. So that people would think they are some great spiritual being with all the right answers.They used the word to show others their faults and wouldn't so much as allow those same words to change what was in them. But those sinners and publicans knew they were sick and they knew their hearts were wicked and they knew that JESUS was the way the truth and the light.How did these sinners know who Jesus is when in fact the learned ones couldn't see who HE is.Because no man can come to the SON unless the FATHER draw HIM.How does one draw another? It first begins in the heart. Your mind will give you many reasons as to why you shouldn't come near that person. Your mind once it has been trained to believe or think a certain way doesn't pay attention to the heart and it can't because through much human logic and training the heart is no longer  flesh. It has become hardened through arrogance.With this being said remember that GOD blinded their eyes and deafened there ears so that they couldn't see JESUS nor could they hear HIM. So the question is posed do you see and hear JESUS?Are you sick or whole? I would like to say that I'd much rather remain sick knowing that in my weakness GODS strength is made perfect.I would much rather sit at the feet of JESUS and allow HIM to continue to remove those things from my heart that aren't pleasing so that through that form of humility I may obtain the prize GOD has for me a place with HIM and JESUS!

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