Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I hear so many people walking and talking about having the gift of discernment,lets talk about what it's not before getting into what it is. Discernment is not taking your views and the views of others and slapping the title discernment on it. Nor is it getting in a group and calling out anothers flaws and calling someone and putting the label discernment on it. True discernment is a gift that is given to edify the body of CHRIST. God through the HOLY GHOST will reveal things to us about a situation or event. HE gives us this insight for edification, the instruction or improvemnet of a person morally or intellectually. Not that we use it as a vice to tear another person down. Then we wanna walk around in our high minded arrogance screaming I have discernment. Well if GOD allowed you to see it HE trusted you to be mature enough to handle what HE showed you. Since the purpose of this gift is to edify, it should be used to pray for and encourage the person GOD has given you insight about.Instead we go around on our most holy cloud saying GOD showed me that already GURL you ain't telling me nothing GOD ain't showed me. WELL IF HE SHOWED YOU WHY AREN'T YOU EDIFYING THE BODY? When Paul was used to discribe the gifts in 1Corinthians 12 He plainly said they were to be used to edify the church. Paul says I don't want you ignorant these gifts are from one SPIRIT, The HOLY GHOST! And when we are being led by the HOLY SPIRIT then are the gifts used properly. Only when we allow our flesh to work are they being misused and misrepresented. Stop misrepresenting the gift GOD gave and allow the HOLY GHOST to have HIS way through you. We as the body must watch out for spiritual arrogance it's unbecoming and natural bone ugly. It's sly and cunning and comes upon one suddenly. Beware and if your there GOD can and will restore and will if you are willing to take a good look at yourself. Much love!!

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