Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Isreal Of GOD!

When we look at the land Isreal and what the Jews are doing it caused me to wonder what's really happening! On December 26,2011 they marched to Jerusalem to bring attention to the rebuilding of the temple that GOD destroyed. After going to bible study and being taught about the book of Revelation God begin to open my eyes to prophecy that is being fulfilled. Now those of us that know that the "JEWS" have not received JESUS as the MESSIAH, yet people are going to be deceived by these very people because they have the name "JEW" upon them. Many will follow because the word does say that the JEWS are GOD'S chosen people. And many will be deceived. GOD'S word tells us that those that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth. If the "JEWS" are who they say they are why haven't they received the CHRIST? Well the bible does say (REV.3:9) Behold I will make them of the synogogue of satan which say they are "JEWS" and are not but do lie: behold I will make them come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee. And again the word tells us (REV.2:9) I know thy works tribulation and poverty but thou art rich and know the blasphemy of them which say they are "JEWS" and are not but of the synagogue of satan. Now we know that the anti christ is gonna set his throne up in Jerusalem. Who is so adamant about getting the temple build? Those that call themselves "JEWS". Now there's nothing new under the sun the same spirit that the "JEWS" had about JESUS when they murdered HIM is the same spirit the "JEWS" have about HIM this day. There is an Isreal of GOD and they are those that have faith in JESUS. These are they that have been baptized in the name of JESUS. These are they that believe in the death, burial and ressurection of our most precious SAVIOUR! (ROMANS 9:6) Says Not as though the word of GOD hath taken none effect. For they are not all Isreal which are of Isreal. Brothers and sisters be not deceived for GOD is not a man that HE should lie. Hold no man or people in such esteem that you would deny JESUS because of the title one has given themselves. JESUS wasn't impressed with titles or the praise that men gave. And HE my brothers and sisters is the example in which we should follow...GOD bless and keep you is my prayer!

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