Thursday, February 23, 2012

Leaven! Luke 13;20-21

" Whereunto should I liken the kingdom of GOD? It is like leaven a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened."
Leaven- An agent or element , influence,or agent that works subtly to enlighten, enliven or modify a whole.
Subtly-Difficult to understand or perceive.
Enlighten-Give greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.
Enliven-Make someone more cheerful or animated.
      Through out our lives we search for an understanding of GOD. We desire to be in HIS presence. Jesus says in these verses what the kingdom of GOD is like, compared to. The definitions of key words are important it makes what JESUS says understandable. Heaven in this description speaks about a woman that took and hid three measures of leaven which is an important element because it works to influence ones thought thus influences ones action. This isn't a quick fix by any means for it was done in measures not all the leaven was placed in at the same time. When taking in leaven (the word of GOD) it's not all consumed in one setting. Leaven goes through a fermenting stage a stage of agitation or turbulent change or development. It's uncomfortable it expands the ingredients that it's come in contact with. Our flesh is becoming uncomfortable for the word of GOD the leaven is subtly working on the spirit. It's working  in a way that's difficult for usto understand or perceive. No man can put new wine into new wine skins for both would be destroyed. Measures of leaven has to be added for if all was added at once the whole batch would be destroyed. So GOD in HIS infinite wisdom gives us HIS leaven in measures enlightening us one measure at a time. Bringing us to a greater knowledge and understanding of HIS word thus having a greater understanding of HIM.  HIS word the leaven is given to make us more cheerful or animated. WHAT? Yes that's what it says. Even in a world filled with so much hatred and violence GOD'S desire for HIS children is to abide in HIM thus being cheerful and animated. We are made in HIS image and that gives us a little look at HIS image. He wants us to rest in HIS assurance and trust HIS word or leaven to bring us to a place that things going on around us doesn't make us bitter but enliven us in HIM! WOE this seems difficult but when we do as this woman that JESUS was describing then we have a piece of the kingdom upon us. Be blessed all!

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