Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wisdom is Justified!

Wisdom-The soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of such expierence, knowledge and good judgement, it is the quality of discerning or judging what is most just,proper and useful. Justified-Declared or made righteous by GOD,to render just or innocent. Getting to know JESUS is getting to know the FATHER. It seems as though nobody really wants to know either one. I have been charged with using the word of GOD out of context, GOD tells us to study to show thyself approved a workman that needed not be ashamed. So if what I say offends you go search it out for yourself. And if the offense remains it's not I that offends you but GOD'S word.Moving along to the lesson at hand. JESUS spoke to the Pharisees quite often in the gospels but they couldn't hear HIM so busy looking at the company HE kept and or the offenses by which they were offended. The Pharisees oftentimes spoke down on JESUS for things they held HIM in condemnation for. Such as not fasting, hanging with publicans and sinners,not keeping the sabbath and the list goes on. JESUS says in the book of Luke chapter 7 verse 35 "BUT WISDOM IS JUSTIFIED OF HER ALL HER CHILDREN". Let's understand what HE'S saying. In verses 24-28 JESUS is talking about the baptisim of John the Baptist, the Pharisees wouldn't be baptized by John the word says they did this against themselves. What I hear is JESUS saying I may not fast, I may not hold the sabbath sacred inYOUR eyes, I may hang out with publicans and sinners. But through GOD'S wisdom am I justified. JESUS was a man without sin and was sent by GOD to deliver those that were lost. Hosea says it like this chapter 6;6-7 "For I desired mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of GOD more than burnt offerings". "But they like men have transgressed the covenant there have they dealt treacherously against me".The pharisees were blinded by religion they didn't understand wisdom. They couldn't hear what JESUS was saying so concerned with being poltically correct. As JESUS taught the people at that time it remains. In no way am I saying that it's okay to go against the word of GOD. What I am saying is that it is GOD who is all wise and it is GOD who justifies.If you look at the way GOD does things it will blow your mind. We look at things the way the Pharisees did at times. Look in the OLD TESTAMENT study how GOD did things then. For HIS word says "I am the same yesterday today and forever more. JESUS quoted so much of the law and the prophets to fully understand the wisdom of GOD we must know what took place before JESUS was manifested in the flesh. God clearly states HIS ways are not our ways and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts. For HIS ways are higher than ours and HIS thought are higher than ours. With that being said get to know HIM get to know the way HE thinks get to know JESUS. Remember JESUS says my FATHER AND I ARE ONE. You can't know one without the other. JESUS is more than miracles and gifts HE'S more than a prophet. HE IS THE SON OF GOD SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Before there was ever sin JESUS was there. WISDOM is JUSTIFIED of HER children. David, Peter, Saul(Paul),Abraham,Issac, Jacob...all justified by GOD'S wisdom.

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