Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ezekiel 37 Can these dry bones live?

The LORD had taken Ezekiel up in the spirit and brought him to a valley full of dry bones. And the LORD asked him "Can these bones live?" The LORD went on further to say to him "Prophesy to them and tell those bones to hear the word of the LORD." Can you imagine looking in a valley and seeing what appears to be a hopeless situation? And the LORD asks you can the they live? I look around today and it's as though I'm looking at a valley of dry bones, and it appears hopeless. There are murders, rapes, homosexuality, discord, fear, and etc. It seems pretty dang hopeless to me. But my eyes aren't GOD'S eyes so I'll stick with my brother Ezekiel and say LORD you know. The LORD told him what to do though. He said prophesy my word to those bones. And Ezekiel obeyed and begin to prophesy GOD'S word. And something begin to happen there was a shaking in that valley. For GOD'S word is living and causes things that appear hopeless and dry to begin to come together. So many times we want to give our opinions or expierence to others when in fact all we need to do is to give them GOD'S word. For GOD'S word tells us that HIS word will not return unto HIM void it will accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. I hear so many "CHRISTIANS" speaking about the condition of things in a negative way. Don't get me wrong it is no a positive situation, yet if spoken to in a positive way then would life be brought into a dry place. Life is GOD'S word instead of us continuing to speak death in an already dry land we ought to do as Ezekiel and speak GOD'S word. For His word is life. The answer to the question asked about those dry bones. The LORD answered the question with a simple statement "PROPHESY MY WORD"! Very simple this isn't a hard lesson to grasp very plain and straight to the point.

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