Friday, February 3, 2012

Patiently Waiting!

Psalm 40 is one of my favorite Psalms. In the midst of one of my most monstrous storm this Psalm enabled me to trust the LORD. It taught me to depend on GOD even when my circumstances looked grime and unchangeable. I had placed myself in a compromising situation. Upon reading this passage of scripture I began to trust and praise GOD in that storm. GOD begin to give me insight into how HE was gonna restore to me what I had given the enemy. HE showed me that HE was gonna bring my children back home to me. So I began to proclaim it to everyone I came in contact with. People thought I was crazy and that what I was saying was foreign language. My case had been closed and my rights taken away. By mans standard my case was over with and done. But as David did in this Psalm he waited patiently and it taught me to do the same. Yes people laughed at me yes people talked about me. But just like the prayer that David prayed in this Psalm I begin to speak these words to GOD and believed them. I took GOD at HIS word and trusted HIM. HE said blessed is the man that puts his TRUST in the LORD. When you trust the LORD and take what HE says to you and shows you then it doesn't matter what people say or think you can TRUST the LORD to bring it to pass.No matter how people laugh and taunt you. God was pleased to deliver David because David trusted HIM. He put to shame those that laughed at HIM. God didn't need sacrifice or offering HE didn't even desire it from HIM. All HE desired from David was his TRUST in HIM. So I say this to say TRUST GOD depend on GOD no matter how crazy the situation appears GOD is in control. Wait patiently for GOD and in waiting don't put your hands in it GOD doesn't need our help. HE has it all worked out when we TRUST HIM.

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