Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Kingdom Of GOD! LUKE 17

The Pharisees asked JESUS when the kingdom of GOD should come. Jesus replied the kingdom of GOD cometh not with observation nor will they say lo here or lo there for the kingdom of GOD is within you. As the time draws near for the appearance of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST let us not be deceived. Many false prophets will come suggesting that JESUS is here or JESUS is there. But Jesus says plainly the kingdom of GOD dwells within you. Paul says in 1 Corinthians that we will be changed in a twinkling of an eye. We won't have to guess about who JESUS is because the HOLY GHOST leads and guides us into all truth. The HOLY SPIRIT that GOD left us with will direct us in the correct way. Now if the kingdom of GOD dwells in you why are we seeking something we can see in the natural? This is hard to get but hear what JESUS is saying. You don't have to look outside yourself for anything become one with the Father and you won't be deceived. JESUS went on to say that it won't be a mystery about where I am for as the lightening stretches across the clouds so will be my coming. Basically when the Pharisees where asking JESUS when should the kingdom of GOD come they were asking for their own selfish reason. They were concerned with positions but not the people. Before that question was even asked JESUS He was teaching the disciples about faith and forgiveness and being a servant not always wanting to be served. From the looks of these verses the Pharisees weren't concerned with all that all they appeared to be concerned with is the kingdom. See they were expecting an earthly kingdom where they already had in their minds their positions secure. But JESUS was teaching a lesson which I believe is this. Without faith the true kingdom isn't obtainable. When and if you choose to believe there is still some things that you must do. If the kingdom of GOD dwells in you then these things aren't impossible for without faith it's impossible to please GOD. If the kingdom of GOD dwells in us we won't just seek our own needs and secure just our places but we will in fact do as JESUS has and seek that which is lost. Those that are being deceived by this world and we know who the ruler of this world is satan.There are many cunning devices out here that are taking people captive.When will we as the KINGDOM OF GOD lift our voices and sound the trumpet? GOD desires that of us to go ye therefore to seek that which is lost. So they too may have the KINGDOM OF GOD dwell richly in them. Saints of GOD it is high time to come out of our comfort zones and declare to the world that JESUS is on HIS way back and this time HE won't be meek and lowly. But will come with the fire and judgement this world deserves. WILL THE KINGDOM OF GOD RISE UP?

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