Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why do people continue to put God In a Box? When clearly Jesus is so far out of the box. Let's look at Jesus for a second He was clearly not what the church folk thought their Messiah should look like. but that had nothing to do with who God called.God tells us that He's the same yesterday today and forever more. So why is it that we question those that God chooses to use? We look at others through our eyes but God clearly states our ways are not His ways His thoughts are higher than ours. He says that He will take the foolish of this world to put to shame the wise..In the eyes of those church folk way back then Jesus didn't fit the views and opinions they had.Jesus walked and talked to prostitutes, thefts,adulterers,and everything that opposed the word of God. Those church folk thought they had God but what they really had was religion at it's highest level..Where there is religion there is judgement, condemnation and all manner of evil. See they expected Jesus to pick them because they had the appearance of having God but their hearts were wicked. They wanted the praise without the labour it takes to move from religion to relationship. Most people don't want to look within themselves because God will show us who we are,only when we are willing.Get God out of the box and quit using those that have the appearance of God without the power of God.King David was one that didn't have the appearance of God but He had the power of GOD. David messed up horribly yet God used Him. And that baby He had with Bathsheba oh yeah was the next King.Nobody wants to talk about these things because it would make the God we've placed in a box reality God is perfect and His ways are perfect and He doesn't need our approval to be perfect. We because of the wickedness in our hearts can't and won't see beyond the surface of a thing. We are so superfical that the things outside the box we can't understand.Jesus was prophesied about from the beginning of time. King Solomon was prophesied about before David ever saw Bathsheba bathe. Indeed the first child died because it was conceived in sin and deceit. But the word of God still stood for that same woman bore David the son Nathan had prophesied to King David about.Get God out of the Box! Much love to you brothers and sisters I hope God will open your hearts and your minds to study check it out for yourself know Him for yourself..Peace!

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