Friday, May 25, 2012

What you see isn't always what you get!

The children of Isreal asked GOD to set a king before them because they looked at the nations around them and desired what they had. Not even aware that GOD was their KING! So the elders went to Samuel the Prophet at that time and asked him to get them a king to rule over them. Samuel went before GOD and did just what they asked of  him. With great travail in his heart he made their request before GOD with anger. GOD told Samuel it wasn't him that they were denying but HIM. GOD said I'm going to give them what they desire but with a great consequence. So the people received Saul. Saul was a man that GOD chose to show them that everything that glitters isn't gold. That everything that sounds like me isn't in my plan of things. Saul was chosen all the same. Saul was a man that lacked confidence in the FATHER that had chosen him. Saul was more concerned with what the people thought instead of heeding the voice of GOD. GOD gave him specific orders by Samuel before they went into battle against the Phillistines in Michmash but because the people feared and Samuel tarried Saul took upon himself to do what was only lawful for the priest and sent up a burnt offering.After that GOD by Samuel told Saul to go and destroy everything of the Amalekites, again Saul heeded to the people and saved the king and the spoil they deemed fit to keep. Shortly thereafter Saul's annointing was taken and given to another. David was a man that GOD chose because he had the heart of GOD. From David's history one would dare to say, he's done more than Saul ever did. But GOD'S eyes are not ours and HIS ways aren't ours. See we look and listen to what man says but only GOD can see and knows what's in their heart.Samuel mourned for Saul and GOD told him why do you mourn for him seeing that I have rejected him. Go I will send thee to the next king.(paraphrase) I say this to say that GOD will give you what you ask for. See the people asked for a king , GOD gave them one. WE ask for many things and more times than not we move before GOD. Then when it all breaks down we want to blame GOD for giving us the very thing we thought we wanted. The true heart begins to reveal itself and we like Samuel want to mourn and protect it when GOD is saying I have something better. David wasn't a boastful guy, yet he  knew how he was yet in the land of the living. He fought lions,bears and all kinds of wild animals. Knowing that he didn't conquer them in his own strength. He knew who fought for him. He knew who his king was. GOD was able by David not only to show his mercy and grace but used David as a prophet to prophesy of our LORD and SAVIOUR! Wow can you see it? GOD being who HE is without the aide of another has it all figured careful what you see cause it's not always what you get!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Divination is real!

So many times we want to skate over the topics of divination, sorcery, and demons. But I came to tell you today if it were not so even today GOD would have never warned against it. Remember all scripture is for our learning and there is nothing new under the sun what is has already been. Now you have many folks walking around saying GOD said this and GOD said that but what god are they speaking of? In Ezekiel 13 God told him to speak to those lying wonders and tell them their time is up. You are going to my people saying I say peace for Jerusalem and there is no peace. See the elders were going to these diviners because GOD had stopped speaking to them because of the wickedness in their hearts. They had set up idols in their hearts instead of allowing GOD to be their GOD. So they went to these people in the imagination of their hearts and listened to what they said because their spirits were the same idolizing spirits.The true prophets they would not hear because it went against the imagination of their hearts. Ezekiel, Jeremiah, and Isaiah where the ones that were hearing from GOD and they wouldn't listen to them because their spirits didn't agree. How can two walk together unless they agree? I don't want to make light of such a dark issue. Bottom line divination is real and it still exist. GOD tells us to test the spirit by the spirit to see if it's of HIM. What is GOD like? He will give you conformation through HIS word and others to let you know it's HIM that's speaking. He sent the three prophets I spoke of delivering the same message letting the people know it's me speaking those that had ears heard what the spirit of GOD said why? Because the spirit of GOD dwelled in them. Watch a tree and the fruit it produces from it and you will know a tree by the fruit it bears.Watch this the enemy knows a few things to have you believe that they are like minded and walking with you. Remember when JESUS walked the earth the first time the evil spirits knew HIM and called HIM out. But JESUS rebuked them and called them out. We don't have to fear these things for GOD has given us dominion (rule) over the things on earth. These spirits have to submit to the will of GOD period. I write this to bring us to rememberance that this war is not one of the flesh but of the spirit and GOD wants us to be aware of these things. Watch fight and pray is what GOD desires. Watch what? Fight what? Pray for what? God said the HOLY GHOST will lead and guide us in all truth. He will show us what to watch for fight for and pray for. We have HIM let us begin to depend on HIM for truly that is how our battle is won.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Adam and Eve

So many times we focus our attention on what happened in the garden of Eden and who's to blame, That can be disputed about in many different views but the reality is it happened and because it happened we are in this current condition. Adam was made by God to rule over the earth, yes this great big earth. Eve was created by God through Adam to be his help meet, one to come along side to strengthen him,encourage him, you know have his back. With anything that GOD does the enemy tries to destroy. So he deceived the woman to go against her creator. Let me pause right there.Most times when we women are caught doing something we have no business we wanna take man down with us. We learned this before we ever made it here from Eve. I believe had Eve after being deceived went to our Father and asked for forgiveness she could have been restored to her original condition. But instead she allowed devious devises to use her to cause her own ADAM the man God had taken her from his very womb to sin too. The enemy hasn't changed his devises he uses the same old tricks. The bible speaks so much to men about the ways of a woman. We women can be vindictive and manipulative and can very easily cause a man (ADAM) to fall. You can tell a tree by the fruit that it bares. Now let us look further into this fall. Now the command was given to Adam which is the ruler of the world. Like most men in the world they get fixated on the work set before them that they don't take the time to nurture the home. The enemy takes control when the man isn't in his rightful position. This by no means takes us women off the hook for through the fall the lesson to be learned is to be in the place with GOD for yourself. See even if Adam hadn't followed Eve she still would have had a consequence to pay and I believe she knew that and she wanted someone to pay it with her. In all actuality Adam was doing what GOD told HIM to do had Eve been in her rightful position which is to be an encourager of Adam an aide to strengthen him you know had his back she wouldn't have been deceived. I say all this to say the fall is for our learning if we are willing as women to take a good look at ourselves. And when we see the very hint of the enemy trying to use us to cause our Adam to fall to go swiftly to the throne of grace on their behalf. If we are here to truly please GOD then we will keep our ADAM"S back!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Whose image is this?

Much talk is there about the next president. When you look at the condition of this world it causes one to wonder can any man turn this around. Can the next president make the world a better place? I say whose image is it you are looking upon? On the money we spend it plainly states in GOD we trust but whose image is it...The people in JESUS' time wanted HIM to pay taxes and HE did and said give to caesar the things that are his and to GOD the things that belong to HIM! Luke:20:20-25 It is easy to get  engulfed in the things that we can see in the natural that we can't see the things that GOD is trying to reveal to us through HIS spirit. When we focus so intently on what's going on around us that it causes one to hate or strongly dislike another then something is terribly wrong. JESUS said love your enemies pray for those that dispitefully use you. When we look at one going so far against the will of GOD it should draw us closer to GOD for our help truly comes from HIM! But everybody wants to walk around talking about who's right and who's wrong in reality theirs only one right and that's GOD. Whose image are we really serving? The true and living GOD would not that we be ignorant of the things going on around us. I don't believe that HE wants us so fixated on these things that we lose sight of who HE has called us to be and what HE has called us to do! Remember what kingdom is being set up on this earth and understand whose image it is! We have to trust GOD and know that HE has HIS children protected we have to TRUST that no matter what vision the tv gives isn't the vision GOD has ordained for HIS children from the beginning of time..So ask yourselves whose image am I really serving? Stay blessed all!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Leaven! Luke 13;20-21

" Whereunto should I liken the kingdom of GOD? It is like leaven a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till the whole was leavened."
Leaven- An agent or element , influence,or agent that works subtly to enlighten, enliven or modify a whole.
Subtly-Difficult to understand or perceive.
Enlighten-Give greater knowledge and understanding about a subject or situation.
Enliven-Make someone more cheerful or animated.
      Through out our lives we search for an understanding of GOD. We desire to be in HIS presence. Jesus says in these verses what the kingdom of GOD is like, compared to. The definitions of key words are important it makes what JESUS says understandable. Heaven in this description speaks about a woman that took and hid three measures of leaven which is an important element because it works to influence ones thought thus influences ones action. This isn't a quick fix by any means for it was done in measures not all the leaven was placed in at the same time. When taking in leaven (the word of GOD) it's not all consumed in one setting. Leaven goes through a fermenting stage a stage of agitation or turbulent change or development. It's uncomfortable it expands the ingredients that it's come in contact with. Our flesh is becoming uncomfortable for the word of GOD the leaven is subtly working on the spirit. It's working  in a way that's difficult for usto understand or perceive. No man can put new wine into new wine skins for both would be destroyed. Measures of leaven has to be added for if all was added at once the whole batch would be destroyed. So GOD in HIS infinite wisdom gives us HIS leaven in measures enlightening us one measure at a time. Bringing us to a greater knowledge and understanding of HIS word thus having a greater understanding of HIM.  HIS word the leaven is given to make us more cheerful or animated. WHAT? Yes that's what it says. Even in a world filled with so much hatred and violence GOD'S desire for HIS children is to abide in HIM thus being cheerful and animated. We are made in HIS image and that gives us a little look at HIS image. He wants us to rest in HIS assurance and trust HIS word or leaven to bring us to a place that things going on around us doesn't make us bitter but enliven us in HIM! WOE this seems difficult but when we do as this woman that JESUS was describing then we have a piece of the kingdom upon us. Be blessed all!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Ezekiel 37 Can these dry bones live?

The LORD had taken Ezekiel up in the spirit and brought him to a valley full of dry bones. And the LORD asked him "Can these bones live?" The LORD went on further to say to him "Prophesy to them and tell those bones to hear the word of the LORD." Can you imagine looking in a valley and seeing what appears to be a hopeless situation? And the LORD asks you can the they live? I look around today and it's as though I'm looking at a valley of dry bones, and it appears hopeless. There are murders, rapes, homosexuality, discord, fear, and etc. It seems pretty dang hopeless to me. But my eyes aren't GOD'S eyes so I'll stick with my brother Ezekiel and say LORD you know. The LORD told him what to do though. He said prophesy my word to those bones. And Ezekiel obeyed and begin to prophesy GOD'S word. And something begin to happen there was a shaking in that valley. For GOD'S word is living and causes things that appear hopeless and dry to begin to come together. So many times we want to give our opinions or expierence to others when in fact all we need to do is to give them GOD'S word. For GOD'S word tells us that HIS word will not return unto HIM void it will accomplish that which I please and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. I hear so many "CHRISTIANS" speaking about the condition of things in a negative way. Don't get me wrong it is no a positive situation, yet if spoken to in a positive way then would life be brought into a dry place. Life is GOD'S word instead of us continuing to speak death in an already dry land we ought to do as Ezekiel and speak GOD'S word. For His word is life. The answer to the question asked about those dry bones. The LORD answered the question with a simple statement "PROPHESY MY WORD"! Very simple this isn't a hard lesson to grasp very plain and straight to the point.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Isreal Of GOD!

When we look at the land Isreal and what the Jews are doing it caused me to wonder what's really happening! On December 26,2011 they marched to Jerusalem to bring attention to the rebuilding of the temple that GOD destroyed. After going to bible study and being taught about the book of Revelation God begin to open my eyes to prophecy that is being fulfilled. Now those of us that know that the "JEWS" have not received JESUS as the MESSIAH, yet people are going to be deceived by these very people because they have the name "JEW" upon them. Many will follow because the word does say that the JEWS are GOD'S chosen people. And many will be deceived. GOD'S word tells us that those that worship HIM must worship HIM in spirit and in truth. If the "JEWS" are who they say they are why haven't they received the CHRIST? Well the bible does say (REV.3:9) Behold I will make them of the synogogue of satan which say they are "JEWS" and are not but do lie: behold I will make them come and worship before thy feet and to know that I have loved thee. And again the word tells us (REV.2:9) I know thy works tribulation and poverty but thou art rich and know the blasphemy of them which say they are "JEWS" and are not but of the synagogue of satan. Now we know that the anti christ is gonna set his throne up in Jerusalem. Who is so adamant about getting the temple build? Those that call themselves "JEWS". Now there's nothing new under the sun the same spirit that the "JEWS" had about JESUS when they murdered HIM is the same spirit the "JEWS" have about HIM this day. There is an Isreal of GOD and they are those that have faith in JESUS. These are they that have been baptized in the name of JESUS. These are they that believe in the death, burial and ressurection of our most precious SAVIOUR! (ROMANS 9:6) Says Not as though the word of GOD hath taken none effect. For they are not all Isreal which are of Isreal. Brothers and sisters be not deceived for GOD is not a man that HE should lie. Hold no man or people in such esteem that you would deny JESUS because of the title one has given themselves. JESUS wasn't impressed with titles or the praise that men gave. And HE my brothers and sisters is the example in which we should follow...GOD bless and keep you is my prayer!

Friday, February 17, 2012


Proverbs 2:5 A man that flattereth his neighbor spreadth a net for his feet. Flattery is deadly it causes one to believe that the way they are is okay. One that speaks the truth to his neighbor is disliked. Why would one want flattery instead of the truth. I'll tell you why I did. Because it made me feel superior as though I had it all together. It disillusioned me into thinking that I had arrived. The very ones that stroked my ego were the very ones talking about me behind my back. Telling each other my flaws and faults but left me unaware. But GOD is good HE put three people in my life that told me the truth about me no matter how much it hurt my feelings. One told me I didn't know how to be a real friend,another told me that I was mean and didn't care about others another told me I thought I knew every thing. Yes ya'll after taking a good look at myself those things were true although hard to take when said to me I needed to hear those things. I could have come back with all the things that were wrong with them but it would negated what was needed for me at that time. I would have shifted the focus when in reality GOD was speaking to my heart. So in my silence I took a deep look at those things and begin to pray and ask GOD to remove those things that were displeasing to HIM. Let me be the first to admit that it's been a painful journey to let those things go. I have been harboring these qualities from my youth and on first look I felt as though it got me this far I don't need to change. Truth is GOD had gotten me thus far and GOD is ready to take me to the next level. But those things that I was holding was hindering the very places GOD was going to take me. So many times I would tell my friends things that needed to be done in their lives not so much as touching the things inside my own heart. Just to name a few jealousy, envy, covetness ,anger, resentment ,unforgiveness and yes the worst of all pride. Because see it was everybody else GOD not me. They are hurting me I did no wrong...I had the woe is me mentality. And didn't even understand without releasing those things to GOD I was gonna receive a whole lot of woe. I say this to say let us speak the truth to our neighbor in love. Let us not continue to flatter one another for fear of losing a friend. For a true friend can handle correction. I true friend will thank you for speaking the truth to them. For faithful are the wounds of a friend...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Every man's measure!

Romans 12:3 For I say, through the grace given unto me to every man that is amongst you not to think more highly of himself than he ought to think but to think soberly according as GOD hath dealt to every man the measure of faith. Paul was a man that could have boasted about many things. He was a Hebrew from the tribe of Benjamin taught in the law and the prophets. If any man should have thought more highly of himself should have been Paul. But check it, maybe just maybe that's why he was able to write about it with such intensity. Paul had all these things from his youth, he could have been considered jew of jews. But upon the road to Damascus Paul learned that everything he thought he knew was all wrong. I think Paul may have had a pride issue at one time on top of the belief that he knew everything about the word. And that JESUS that everybody was following didn't fit the way he was taught. But after that road expierence Paul was humbled and had to come to grips with the fact that he in fact had nothing to brag about. With any lesson that GOD teaches comes a knowledge of, what I think I know I really don't. So Paul warns us the body not to think more highly of ourselves than we ought to. For GOD has dealt each man his own measure of faith. Now the measure GOD gives you may be more than the measure HE gave me. Does that make my faith less valid? Or vice versa! There are three levels of faith mustard seed ,believing, and trusting. JESUS says it like this"The kingdom of heaven is like unto a grain of mustard seed which a man took and sowed in his field. Which is indeed least of all seeds but when it is grown it is the greatest among herbs,and becometh a tree so that the birds of the air come and lodge in the branches thereof".Matthew 17:31-32 What I hear Paul saying is that  although we may have great faith nuture and furtilize those that have mustard seed faith. Because he speaks further down that we need each other is this body and there is no room for know it alls and arrogancy. (SELF CHECK) So let each man walk in the measure of faith GOD has given to we HIS children!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Wisdom is Justified!

Wisdom-The soundness of an action or decision with regard to the application of such expierence, knowledge and good judgement, it is the quality of discerning or judging what is most just,proper and useful. Justified-Declared or made righteous by GOD,to render just or innocent. Getting to know JESUS is getting to know the FATHER. It seems as though nobody really wants to know either one. I have been charged with using the word of GOD out of context, GOD tells us to study to show thyself approved a workman that needed not be ashamed. So if what I say offends you go search it out for yourself. And if the offense remains it's not I that offends you but GOD'S word.Moving along to the lesson at hand. JESUS spoke to the Pharisees quite often in the gospels but they couldn't hear HIM so busy looking at the company HE kept and or the offenses by which they were offended. The Pharisees oftentimes spoke down on JESUS for things they held HIM in condemnation for. Such as not fasting, hanging with publicans and sinners,not keeping the sabbath and the list goes on. JESUS says in the book of Luke chapter 7 verse 35 "BUT WISDOM IS JUSTIFIED OF HER ALL HER CHILDREN". Let's understand what HE'S saying. In verses 24-28 JESUS is talking about the baptisim of John the Baptist, the Pharisees wouldn't be baptized by John the word says they did this against themselves. What I hear is JESUS saying I may not fast, I may not hold the sabbath sacred inYOUR eyes, I may hang out with publicans and sinners. But through GOD'S wisdom am I justified. JESUS was a man without sin and was sent by GOD to deliver those that were lost. Hosea says it like this chapter 6;6-7 "For I desired mercy and not sacrifice and the knowledge of GOD more than burnt offerings". "But they like men have transgressed the covenant there have they dealt treacherously against me".The pharisees were blinded by religion they didn't understand wisdom. They couldn't hear what JESUS was saying so concerned with being poltically correct. As JESUS taught the people at that time it remains. In no way am I saying that it's okay to go against the word of GOD. What I am saying is that it is GOD who is all wise and it is GOD who justifies.If you look at the way GOD does things it will blow your mind. We look at things the way the Pharisees did at times. Look in the OLD TESTAMENT study how GOD did things then. For HIS word says "I am the same yesterday today and forever more. JESUS quoted so much of the law and the prophets to fully understand the wisdom of GOD we must know what took place before JESUS was manifested in the flesh. God clearly states HIS ways are not our ways and HIS thoughts are not our thoughts. For HIS ways are higher than ours and HIS thought are higher than ours. With that being said get to know HIM get to know the way HE thinks get to know JESUS. Remember JESUS says my FATHER AND I ARE ONE. You can't know one without the other. JESUS is more than miracles and gifts HE'S more than a prophet. HE IS THE SON OF GOD SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATION OF THE WORLD. Before there was ever sin JESUS was there. WISDOM is JUSTIFIED of HER children. David, Peter, Saul(Paul),Abraham,Issac, Jacob...all justified by GOD'S wisdom.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Kingdom Of GOD! LUKE 17

The Pharisees asked JESUS when the kingdom of GOD should come. Jesus replied the kingdom of GOD cometh not with observation nor will they say lo here or lo there for the kingdom of GOD is within you. As the time draws near for the appearance of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST let us not be deceived. Many false prophets will come suggesting that JESUS is here or JESUS is there. But Jesus says plainly the kingdom of GOD dwells within you. Paul says in 1 Corinthians that we will be changed in a twinkling of an eye. We won't have to guess about who JESUS is because the HOLY GHOST leads and guides us into all truth. The HOLY SPIRIT that GOD left us with will direct us in the correct way. Now if the kingdom of GOD dwells in you why are we seeking something we can see in the natural? This is hard to get but hear what JESUS is saying. You don't have to look outside yourself for anything become one with the Father and you won't be deceived. JESUS went on to say that it won't be a mystery about where I am for as the lightening stretches across the clouds so will be my coming. Basically when the Pharisees where asking JESUS when should the kingdom of GOD come they were asking for their own selfish reason. They were concerned with positions but not the people. Before that question was even asked JESUS He was teaching the disciples about faith and forgiveness and being a servant not always wanting to be served. From the looks of these verses the Pharisees weren't concerned with all that all they appeared to be concerned with is the kingdom. See they were expecting an earthly kingdom where they already had in their minds their positions secure. But JESUS was teaching a lesson which I believe is this. Without faith the true kingdom isn't obtainable. When and if you choose to believe there is still some things that you must do. If the kingdom of GOD dwells in you then these things aren't impossible for without faith it's impossible to please GOD. If the kingdom of GOD dwells in us we won't just seek our own needs and secure just our places but we will in fact do as JESUS has and seek that which is lost. Those that are being deceived by this world and we know who the ruler of this world is satan.There are many cunning devices out here that are taking people captive.When will we as the KINGDOM OF GOD lift our voices and sound the trumpet? GOD desires that of us to go ye therefore to seek that which is lost. So they too may have the KINGDOM OF GOD dwell richly in them. Saints of GOD it is high time to come out of our comfort zones and declare to the world that JESUS is on HIS way back and this time HE won't be meek and lowly. But will come with the fire and judgement this world deserves. WILL THE KINGDOM OF GOD RISE UP?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Good or Mischief?

There's a Proverb that states "He that diligently seeketh good procureth favour;but he that seeketh mischief, it shall come unto him. This touched me because so many times in my life I sought mischief and indeed it came to my door. I wasn't looking for the good things and they didn't come to me until I humbled myself before GOD and sought HIS way. I have been guilty of desiring mischief for others and in return it came to me. Upon my 25th birthday I begin to seek GOD in a way that I had never done before. I always knew who GOD was and even had some knowledge about His word. But knowledge without understanding is dangerous because it causes one to place their knowledge in place of GODS. I desired to know GOD and HIS goodness,not what others told me I wanted to know HIM for myself. On this quest to have a relationship with GOD I found HIS favour for I began to seek out goodness instead of mischief. Don't get me wrong I still was involved in mischief but I was seeking goodness. With any good thing it takes time and diligence as the word says. I haven't given up on seeking goodness but I have given up on being mischevious. Because through my desire to find GOD he showed favour on me. When I realized that GOD was doing things for me I knew I didn't deserve there was no more need of me trying to fix things for myself. When I was trying to fix them myself I came up with mischevious plots to get things to happen my way. Instead of relaxing in the goodness of GOD. The word tells me if GOD be for you who can be against you. I had learned that GOD was for me and there was no need for me to put my hand in any matter one way or another. I diligently seek good that the favour of GOD may be on my life. Mischief today is a vapor that I'm glad has been taken away from me. I choose to rather TRUST GOD in ALL things, knowing that HE is for me and is favour is upon me. Will you believe GOD too?

Friday, February 3, 2012

Patiently Waiting!

Psalm 40 is one of my favorite Psalms. In the midst of one of my most monstrous storm this Psalm enabled me to trust the LORD. It taught me to depend on GOD even when my circumstances looked grime and unchangeable. I had placed myself in a compromising situation. Upon reading this passage of scripture I began to trust and praise GOD in that storm. GOD begin to give me insight into how HE was gonna restore to me what I had given the enemy. HE showed me that HE was gonna bring my children back home to me. So I began to proclaim it to everyone I came in contact with. People thought I was crazy and that what I was saying was foreign language. My case had been closed and my rights taken away. By mans standard my case was over with and done. But as David did in this Psalm he waited patiently and it taught me to do the same. Yes people laughed at me yes people talked about me. But just like the prayer that David prayed in this Psalm I begin to speak these words to GOD and believed them. I took GOD at HIS word and trusted HIM. HE said blessed is the man that puts his TRUST in the LORD. When you trust the LORD and take what HE says to you and shows you then it doesn't matter what people say or think you can TRUST the LORD to bring it to pass.No matter how people laugh and taunt you. God was pleased to deliver David because David trusted HIM. He put to shame those that laughed at HIM. God didn't need sacrifice or offering HE didn't even desire it from HIM. All HE desired from David was his TRUST in HIM. So I say this to say TRUST GOD depend on GOD no matter how crazy the situation appears GOD is in control. Wait patiently for GOD and in waiting don't put your hands in it GOD doesn't need our help. HE has it all worked out when we TRUST HIM.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


I hear so many people walking and talking about having the gift of discernment,lets talk about what it's not before getting into what it is. Discernment is not taking your views and the views of others and slapping the title discernment on it. Nor is it getting in a group and calling out anothers flaws and calling someone and putting the label discernment on it. True discernment is a gift that is given to edify the body of CHRIST. God through the HOLY GHOST will reveal things to us about a situation or event. HE gives us this insight for edification, the instruction or improvemnet of a person morally or intellectually. Not that we use it as a vice to tear another person down. Then we wanna walk around in our high minded arrogance screaming I have discernment. Well if GOD allowed you to see it HE trusted you to be mature enough to handle what HE showed you. Since the purpose of this gift is to edify, it should be used to pray for and encourage the person GOD has given you insight about.Instead we go around on our most holy cloud saying GOD showed me that already GURL you ain't telling me nothing GOD ain't showed me. WELL IF HE SHOWED YOU WHY AREN'T YOU EDIFYING THE BODY? When Paul was used to discribe the gifts in 1Corinthians 12 He plainly said they were to be used to edify the church. Paul says I don't want you ignorant these gifts are from one SPIRIT, The HOLY GHOST! And when we are being led by the HOLY SPIRIT then are the gifts used properly. Only when we allow our flesh to work are they being misused and misrepresented. Stop misrepresenting the gift GOD gave and allow the HOLY GHOST to have HIS way through you. We as the body must watch out for spiritual arrogance it's unbecoming and natural bone ugly. It's sly and cunning and comes upon one suddenly. Beware and if your there GOD can and will restore and will if you are willing to take a good look at yourself. Much love!!

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Religion will give you the illusion that you are whole and have no need of the great physician JESUS! As long as there is breath in these mortal bodies we will always need JESUS. Considering the fact that there's nothing new under the sun this ain't a shocking event happening. When religion puts your mind in a place of arrival and you look down on the rest of us sinners then you are in a horrible place. The Pharisees in the book of Matthew chapter 9:10-13 saw JESUS and the disciples eating with publicans and sinners. And they were offended by this. Isn't that sad? How can someone that has been graced with the word of GOD be arrogant enough to believe that they are better than someone else. I'll tell you how because the word was in their head and not their heart.They had head knowledge but there hearts was as hard as rock. They had what Paul calls the appearance of godliness but denying the power thereof. Jeremiah says it this way they worship me with their mouths but their hearts are far from me. JESUS warns of such a condition He said beware of the leaven of the Pharisees do what they say but don't do as they do.If their religious mind set had made them whole how is it that JESUS said to beware? HE knows what's in the heart of man. Every person running around saying that they love GOD and sees one in need of anything and looks down on them is lying. It's not always about imparting material things on another but giving them what has been freely given to you love, compassion, grace and mercy. Knowing that although you've been in church all your life you have been given the word to bless others as the word blesses you.The Pharisees had the word and keep it or when they did give it away it was given with the wrong motive. So that people would think they are some great spiritual being with all the right answers.They used the word to show others their faults and wouldn't so much as allow those same words to change what was in them. But those sinners and publicans knew they were sick and they knew their hearts were wicked and they knew that JESUS was the way the truth and the light.How did these sinners know who Jesus is when in fact the learned ones couldn't see who HE is.Because no man can come to the SON unless the FATHER draw HIM.How does one draw another? It first begins in the heart. Your mind will give you many reasons as to why you shouldn't come near that person. Your mind once it has been trained to believe or think a certain way doesn't pay attention to the heart and it can't because through much human logic and training the heart is no longer  flesh. It has become hardened through arrogance.With this being said remember that GOD blinded their eyes and deafened there ears so that they couldn't see JESUS nor could they hear HIM. So the question is posed do you see and hear JESUS?Are you sick or whole? I would like to say that I'd much rather remain sick knowing that in my weakness GODS strength is made perfect.I would much rather sit at the feet of JESUS and allow HIM to continue to remove those things from my heart that aren't pleasing so that through that form of humility I may obtain the prize GOD has for me a place with HIM and JESUS!

Monday, January 30, 2012

Get God out Of The Box!: Why do people continue to put God In a Box? When c...

Get God out Of The Box!: Why do people continue to put God In a Box? When c...: Why do people continue to put God In a Box? When clearly Jesus is so far out of the box. Let's look at Jesus for a second He was clearly not...

Get God out Of The Box!: A Damascus Expierence

Get God out Of The Box!: A Damascus Expierence: We all could learn from Paul's Damascus experience. Paul is one of Jesus' greatest disciples although he was once one of Jesus' greatest per...

Get God out Of The Box!: Wailing Women Mount Up!

Get God out Of The Box!: Wailing Women Mount Up!: Intercessors (Jeremiah 9:17-20) Upon reading this passage...


Get God out Of The Box!: BEAUTY IS MORE THAN SKIN DEEP!: I have never been what the "WORLD" considers ugly, yet I was gruesome. My mother would say to me Shania you are a pretty girl but your grues...

Get God out Of The Box!: Major Or Minor Prophet?

Get God out Of The Box!: Major Or Minor Prophet?: What person came up with this? Some man that wanted to sound smart? For nowhere in the Bible does God classify His Prophets. I hear people s...

Get God out Of The Box!: Positioning and not Position!

Get God out Of The Box!: Positioning and not Position!: Today I am going to use women GOD used in the Bible.So many times when women are spoken of in the Bible we tend to use those that are not of...

Positioning and not Position!

Today I am going to use women GOD used in the Bible.So many times when women are spoken of in the Bible we tend to use those that are not of great esteem. And shed little to any light on those that GOD used to save nations or win great battles. The the three I will use today are Deborah , Jael, and Queen Esther. In the book of Judges Deborah was a prophetess GOD used to be a judge over HIS people. Deborah told Barak it was time to go to and take Tabor because GOD had commanded it. Barak asked her to go with him but she warned him if I go a woman will surely take the victory but he insisted and said if you go then I will go.They go into battle and just as Deborah prophesied a woman won the battle Jael killed the king. Now after the victory Deborah and Barak both sang to God for Him giving them the victory. Barak wasn't jealous over the fact the Jael killed the wicked king he rejoiced in the work of GOD. That is something for our men to look at today. Barak heard what Deborah said loud and clear yet he wasn't concerned about how the battle would be won so long as it is won. Rather people want to admit it or not their are still optimistic people concerning a woman being used in the full magnitude as a man is. I ain't talking about pastoring I'm speaking on being chosen to do a great work. Deborah wasn't concerned with her position nor was Barak. They trusted GOD and HIS positioning. On first look at this chapter one would assume that Barak didn't follow the direction of God. But considering the fact that GOD knows EVERYTHING how could that be? GODS positioning is far greater than ones position.Let's take a look at Queen Esther. Queen Esther in all her years I'm sure never expected to be a Queen let alone one that GOD would use to save HIS chosen people. But she became just that and with great humility. GOD had positioned her into her position. The story behind her receiving the position is quite rare but never the less GOD was in control. GOD positioned Esther in a place that HE would use to stop the wicked plans of Haman. Haman hated the Jews and especially Mordecai. Haman was second in command to the king and Mordecai wouldn't bow down to him. Mordecai knew to bow down to man would take GOD from the place of power and esteem or put man in HIS place.Haman in his malicious devices was so angry that not only did he want to see Mordecai removed but all the Jews had to go.Well just like all wicked hearts they will be exposed and judgement will be given. Mordecai told Esther about the plot to destroy her people. She with hesitation went before the king knowing that her very life was at stake. GOD positioned her and she did that in which GOD called her to do. She didn't allow that position to go to her head nor did she allow arrogance to slip in. She didn't just think about what she could gain as a matter of fact she was safe and had the kingdom at her disposal. She headed to wise counsel and did what was needed of her.She considered the children men and women that lived outside the kingdom and understood that GOD had positioned her there for such a time as that. The position doesn't make you who you are. Positioning puts or arranges someone or something in a particular place or way. And ONLY GOD CAN DO THAT!

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Major Or Minor Prophet?

What person came up with this? Some man that wanted to sound smart? For nowhere in the Bible does God classify His Prophets. I hear people say this He"s a major prophet and He's a minor prophet. Where does this come from? We really need to be careful about saying things that aren't in the word of God. Just because some man tells you that and it sounds good doesn't make it sound. God tells us to study to show thyself approved a workman that need not be ashamed rightly dividing the word of truth.Before the book of Joel God spend quality time teaching His children giving them instruction, warnings, showing them signs and wonders. With any parent the first years of life are vital that's when the child is at it's most impressionable.So we take numerous of time and energy to embed in them the things they need to make it through life. That isn't considered major parenting it's parenting period. By the time Joel and the prophets following begin speaking the children of God had decided they were gonna have it there way. And with any good parent you don't spend as much time on instruction as you do warning of the dangers to come. Parents don't harp on these warnings they give them and allow their child to decide which way they will go. Is that minor parenting? Not at all for by this time the children should really have no need of long talks and things of that nature they should trust their parent enough to know that what their saying is right and in their best interest. Jesus says it best if you who are evil know how to give good gifts to your children how much more does your Father know how to give good gifts to you.See we have to get to know our Father. He is much more that giving us material things and the desires of our hearts. He is our Father our parent the one that gave birth to us.There is nothing major or minor about Him or who He uses. We parents seeking to be a good parent need to be taught by the ultimate parent. Seek out the way God does things with us His children.Putting labels on Gods chosen is a great injustice they were all used by God to prophesy His word. They were all His mouth piece they all fulfilled the purpose the Father sent them to do. And when God sends you to do something, don't allow man to stick a label on you to determine how important or not important your call is.Paul says it this way we are one body and all the members are important. Jesus says it this way He that is the greatest amongst you let him become your servant. ALL the prophets were servants and all were GREAT!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


I have never been what the "WORLD" considers ugly, yet I was gruesome. My mother would say to me Shania you are a pretty girl but your gruesome. I didn't understand what she meant so I asked her "momma what does that mean?" She said anybody can have natural beauty but true beauty comes from within and flows out. She said your attitude stinks and your mouth is bad you say anything without thinking or caring about others feelings. So I said okay momma I'm gonna act right, she said don't "ACT" right "BE" right. I didn't really get it until I read Matthew 23:27-28. I would try my best to "ACT" right but it never stuck and the reason I know today is that the outside of my cup was appealing to the natural eye but my insides were a wreck. And when your insides are a wreck no matter how much church one gets it won't stick for what's in the heart of man will come out. I my dear friends was a hypocrite! That's a strong word to relate one self with but the truth is setting me free. See I know the word of God but was not fully applying it to my life I was doing the things in which it says in my own strength plainly speaking I was ACTING the way God expected me to and didn't allow HIS word to transform my heart. Everyone was looking at me saying she sure does love the LORD and in fact I do. But I loved the wickedness in my heart too. I had to make a decision to be made whole. To but down the pointing of the finger and the facade I had built up and pray with a pure heart for GOD to make me over once again so I could "BE" what HIS word says I can "BE" and not continue being like the Pharisees appearing to be some saved sanctified woman of GOD knowing deep down it's all an "ACT". And when I was angered I would speak wicked things from my heart..Why? Because that's what was in there. Many people have this same thing going on in order to obtain HEAVEN GOD uses HIS word to direct us in the correct path. And will show us just where we need to be healed if we genuinely apply the word to ourselves and not use it to fix someone else. So as these days continue and I allow GOD to uproot the things that are displeasing to HIM that I my not sin against Him I am assured that the beauty that comes forth at the hand of GOD will be one that enables me to "BE" who HE says that I am....God Bless you!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Wailing Women Mount Up!

                                                    Intercessors (Jeremiah 9:17-20)
                              Upon reading this passage of scripture I was given great insight as to what message that God was using Jeremiah to tell us women. And what the Holy Ghost revealed to me was that we women need to become a unified force. He has given us a great task to fulfill before the throne of grace. He has called us to be wailing women, women of a cunning work. That word right there caught my eye because in our language today the word cunning has gotten a bad rap. But what God is saying in this verse is that one that has knowledge, concern, know, meditation, skill, truth and unintentionally to go before God on the behalf of another with the knowledge and concern about what another is going through. The enemy does his greatest work in keeping us divided through jealousy, gossip, judging and condemnation.But God has given us a great charge to pray on the behalf of others. How does one go to prayer on the behalf of another without judgement. Simply by remembering those things that God has done for us. That is where knowledge comes in knowledge the fact or condition of knowing something with familiarity gained through experience the fact or condition of being aware of something. Which should cause us to have concern for another which is to relate to be about to care trouble or distress to engage. Wow that shows that we care for another and with that care and concern we go to God  for them. Because we have been there ourselves we should desire the same deliverance for another that God has given to us.Once we understand this we can go with purpose to our Father on behalf of one another. Do we achieve the goal Christ set forth by making a difference. Anybody can talk until there's no more energy. But the difference is made when we weep before the Lord.When we pray we are asking God to remove or change something in the life of another. Since we know what God has done for us let us be quick to be the wailing women God has called us to be. Not going around sounding the alarm saying I'm praying for you but going into our secret place and crying from a pure heart for another. In conclusion God has given us a great calling. Time out for division amongst one another. Of pointing the finger, passing judgement and a competing spirit. If we're not working together we are aiding the enemy in each others demise.So the question asked is will we become the wailing women God called us to be? Or continue to allow the enemy to use us? WAILING WOMEN MOUNT UP!!!!!

Monday, January 23, 2012

A Damascus Expierence

We all could learn from Paul's Damascus experience. Paul is one of Jesus' greatest disciples although he was once one of Jesus' greatest persecutors. Paul was well taught in the law and the prophets as a matter of fact he was apart of one of the most prestigious religious sects of that time, the Pharisees.And with all "religious" sects there is a no love in it just high minded arrogance. Those that believe they can't learn anything from someone unless they have a title or prefix before their name. Or the ones that think when they follow the law to the letter their perfect and not a sinner like the rest of us. This one tops it all the ones that think they are God. Paul on that road meet Jesus for himself and received the greatest lesson of all the lesson of God's grace. Paul after receiving God's grace took off running the race set before him.Forgetting those things in which religion gave him. He gave them what Jesus had given him and shared it liberally. Paul was denouncing everything he had learned from his childhood and people thought he was crazy just like they thought Jesus was crazy. But when you have a Damascus experience people will thing you have lost your mind because you won't talk like them or walk in the same manner that you did before coming up on that road. When you were blinded by religion and it's traditions and forgotten the very grace that God gave you on that road. When once you were a respecter of persons the true love of Christ springs back up and you begin to care for souls again. Not just worried about your walk but the walk of the people you love. For we are all one body and if one part be broken or sick or wounded the whole body is affected. Paul understood that after receiving his sight back. And never lost his sight again he appreciated the gifts God had given him the gifts of grace,forgiveness and vision. He shared to his death those precious gifts with millions including us. Let us as these days continue be ever reminded of the cloud of witnesses that have come before us namely Jesus Christ. And let us like Paul follow that example. God bless you!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Why do people continue to put God In a Box? When clearly Jesus is so far out of the box. Let's look at Jesus for a second He was clearly not what the church folk thought their Messiah should look like. but that had nothing to do with who God called.God tells us that He's the same yesterday today and forever more. So why is it that we question those that God chooses to use? We look at others through our eyes but God clearly states our ways are not His ways His thoughts are higher than ours. He says that He will take the foolish of this world to put to shame the wise..In the eyes of those church folk way back then Jesus didn't fit the views and opinions they had.Jesus walked and talked to prostitutes, thefts,adulterers,and everything that opposed the word of God. Those church folk thought they had God but what they really had was religion at it's highest level..Where there is religion there is judgement, condemnation and all manner of evil. See they expected Jesus to pick them because they had the appearance of having God but their hearts were wicked. They wanted the praise without the labour it takes to move from religion to relationship. Most people don't want to look within themselves because God will show us who we are,only when we are willing.Get God out of the box and quit using those that have the appearance of God without the power of God.King David was one that didn't have the appearance of God but He had the power of GOD. David messed up horribly yet God used Him. And that baby He had with Bathsheba oh yeah was the next King.Nobody wants to talk about these things because it would make the God we've placed in a box reality God is perfect and His ways are perfect and He doesn't need our approval to be perfect. We because of the wickedness in our hearts can't and won't see beyond the surface of a thing. We are so superfical that the things outside the box we can't understand.Jesus was prophesied about from the beginning of time. King Solomon was prophesied about before David ever saw Bathsheba bathe. Indeed the first child died because it was conceived in sin and deceit. But the word of God still stood for that same woman bore David the son Nathan had prophesied to King David about.Get God out of the Box! Much love to you brothers and sisters I hope God will open your hearts and your minds to study check it out for yourself know Him for yourself..Peace!